The best colors to flatter you are obviously the warm colors. You're one of the people who can pull off mustard yellow, gold and almost every shade of orange.
It's best to stick with milder-sulfate free cleansers. Additionally, leave hair coloring and chemical processing to the professionals. They know best how to minimize product contact with your scalp to reduce irritation and can ensure that it's effectively rinsed out after treatment.
The rule of thumb is not to wear everything in the same hand. If your are wearing your watch in the left hand, rings are supposed to go in the right or vice versa. Avoiding a clash of metals is the second point. If you are wearing a gold watch, always stick to gold rings.
If you have allergies, wear perfume cautiously by applying it on your clothes instead of your skin. Avoid spraying it in the air or around your face. Test the perfume on a small area first. If your symptoms flare up, it's best to avoid that fragrance.
Apply a cold compress to the affected area, as well as an anti-itching cream. While your skin is irritated, use products that are fragrance-free. In addition, gently and cautiously apply products to your skin. DO NOT RUB YOUR FACE with abrasive towels or exfoliants!
Those warm-toned sunglasses such as gold, black or brown. They create a natural and harmonious look that enhances the hair color.
Protein and moisture can't work well without the other. You need a strong protein structure in order for water molecules to bind with your strands and to keep the water locked inside. For curly and textured hair, moisture is the key to keeping it healthy!
The best way to prevent dry feet is to rub lotion or petroleum jelly on your clean feet at night and put socks over them. In the morning, your feet should be soft and moisturized.
Marula oil is high in antioxidants, essential fatty acids, and amino acids. It is widely used as an ingredient in skin care products, and appears to be beneficial for oily, acne-prone, dry, and aging skin. It's also efficient at keeping hair soft, supple and moisturized.
Buy it only if that piece is something that you really need to add to your arsenal. Never buy something just because it's a great deal. No matter how affordable it was, if you never wear it, it's a complete waste of money!